
Puma Investments is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”).

The activities of Pre-Development Bridge financing, Development Loan financing, including Development Exit Lending and Refurbishment Finance do not constitute regulated investment business under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. As such, clients of Puma Property Finance will not be afforded the protections available under the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) and will not be eligible for compensation under the rules of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”).

The Website is for information purposes only. It should not be regarded as an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (a financial promotion) as defined in section 21 of the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) and the information contained on this Website is not intended to be an offer to buy or sell securities. However, any information on the Website which is a financial promotion as defined in section 21 of FSMA has been issued by Puma Investments.

Nothing on this Website is intended to exclude or restrict any duty or liability which we may have under FSMA (or any subsequent amending or replacement legislation) or the rules and regulations for the conduct of business made thereunder.”

Risk Factors

Development Bridge financing, Development Loan financing and Refurbishment Loan financing will only be provided after an assessment of the value of the properties to which the loans are to be applied and an assessment of the potential borrower’s ability to service and repay the loan.  Loans will be provided on a secured basis. In the event that loans are or cannot be repaid, Puma may enforce the security against the borrower and any shortfall in amounts owed to Puma may be subject to separate legal proceedings.

Borrowers seeking loan financing should therefore determine their own ability to service and repay the loan and their capacity to absorb any diminution in the capital value of the properties to which the loan has been applied.